Sustainable Design Rachel Waldron Sustainable Design Rachel Waldron

Bamboo is Not Dead

Bamboo was a huge sustainable trend in the 90’s. It has a naturally modern look, is a rapidly renewable resource, and does not require masses of pesticides and labor to produce. This makes it kind of a no-brainer. The problme with huge trends is that they have huge collapses, regardless of how much sense they make. So, sometimes, we just need to look at bamboo in a different way.

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Rachel Waldron Rachel Waldron

General Contractor Red Flags

When working with a designer and a general contractor, it is important that they work well together. How does an owner ensure this if the pair have never worked together before?

I LOVE General Contractors. I have many that I work with happily and truly enjoy every interaction. I can name at least three that I talk to regularly just to catch up and talk about work. Most contractors I work very well with and am very impressed by their knowledge, experience, and professionalism.

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Rachel Waldron Rachel Waldron

West Seattle Townhome

I confess that I questioned for a minute whether the first email I received from this client was a scam… so polite and so full of relevent information, too good to be true. It turns out, this was a very real and very good client! I was so fortunate to have the opportunity to work with him. When he described his favorite things as Halloween, the ocean, and autumn, I knew we were a good fit.

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Rachel Waldron Rachel Waldron

Vintage or Modern?

When updating an old home, should you go authentic and maintain the old charm, or update with modern choices? The answer- both. There are certain areas where function plays a part, but other areas where it comes down to styling and authentic craftsmanship

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Rachel Waldron Rachel Waldron

Big Firm/Little Firm?

Waldron Designs is a small firm. Not only are we small, we are young in the realm of design firms. For a while I felt a bit down about this, as though I was not providing my clients with the kind of service they could get from a larger firm. I was right… but I was not looking at the perks my clients get that they do not receive from a large firm. For some, a large firm is ideal where in other situations, small is best. Read on to hear the pros and cons of each in full disclosure and honesty:

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Rachel Waldron Rachel Waldron

Do I Need a Permit for a Tiny Home

Tiny homes are all the rage right now, and I am going to come out with an unpopular opinion. I am not a fan, except in very rare circumstances. I hear people say that they will solve affordable housing crises, but this is not how they are being used. I hear people say that they help people to live responsibly with less waste. This may be so, but they work for a select few, which takes flexibility out of living and produces more waste in the end. These are not affordable, they cost a lot to build! The reason we hear of all the inexpensive tiny homes? They are not including all the costs.

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Rachel Waldron Rachel Waldron

Interior Designer vs. General Contractor

Sometimes it is hard to know whether an interior designer or a contractor is the best fit for your project. The advice I am going to give in the following post is specific to Washington State, so please check regulations for licensing, testing, etc. in your own state before following this as a guideline.

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Rachel Waldron Rachel Waldron

Winter Is Coming....

Yes, I just made a Game of Thrones reference… and I am talking about winter just a few days after the first day of fall. But, that’s what fall means to me. It means that winter is coming. It means that it is time for me to refocus on my strategies for beating the winter blues, and help my clients push through the darkness as well.

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Rachel Waldron Rachel Waldron

How Do I Remodel My Kitchen on a Tight Budget?

"Affordable design" is all over the internet these days and while designers want to help people with all budgets, sometimes it just isn't realistic or a good idea to work with a designer.

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Sustainable Design Rachel Waldron Sustainable Design Rachel Waldron

Interior Design Values

I came into my business with strong values and morals, but as a new business owner, I did not have the authority yet to be adamant about the way I worked. It was more important that the client be happy, regardless of how that was done. Of course, it is still the most important thing that our clients are happy, but today we understand that education is a huge part of what we do, and allowing people to unknowingly enter dangerous territory is simply disregarding a part of our job.

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