Interior & Exterior Painting
Waldron Designs is very fortunate to have a talented paint crew. We have three members of our paint crew, as well as three professional painters who do carpentry as well. Basically, the majority of our crew is skilled at painting.
Here are a few key things to keep in mind when hiring Waldron Designs for a paint project.
Our painting crew is experienced and thorough- here they are updating the paint at Lavender Hill Farm!
Color Consulting is Included!
Waldron Designs typically charges $500 for color consultation, however, when you book painting services, we will consult with you on your colors as part of the painting service.* Simply let us know that you would like a color consultation as a part of your painting service, and we will send one of our designers over to take a look to ensure that your paint selections work well for your home.
We Are A Sustainable Company and Use Sustainable Products
We use environmentally sensitive alternatives like hydrogen peroxide, rather than bleach, to take off the staining and mildew without bringing harsh chemicals to the environment.
Believing in providing our clients with quality that lasts, we still use an oil-based primer, but are always evaluating environmentally friendly alternatives. If we are painting every 2-3 years, we certainly aren’t being very sustainable.
Our Paint Jobs Last 30 Years
The oil-based primer allows us to provide our clients a 30-year paint job, and follow the first rule of sustainability (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Because we must use products that are not ideal for environmental considerations, we balance this with longevity. If we were to substitute the oil-based primer with a water-based primer, the paint would deteriorate much more quickly, creating the need to repaint, with greater frequency, in turn utilizing more resources, and creating more waste. It’s one of those “lesser evils” situations.
We Don’t Take Shortcuts
We probably aren’t the right crew for someone looking for a “fast and dirty” paint job. We will remove loose and failing caulk and replace it, use the oil-based primer mentioned above, and provide a quality paint job that will still look new many years later.
Our estimates generally come out a bit higher because we offer the assurances and thoughtfulness that many other painting services lack. So, if you're looking for the lowest paint estimate out there, we’re probably not it. We take pride in being deliberate, having a knowledgeable crew, providing safe products, safe conditions, and a long-lasting quality paint job. Also, for budget-conscious individuals, the good news is that we’re following the “pay more now, save later” mentality.
*Designers will spend 30 minutes on your job site at no charge. Additional time is rarely needed, but for the particularly complex job, time will be billed at our design rate of $180/hour.