Rachel Waldron is the founding partner at Waldron Designs. She wears many hats at Waldron Designs, but her primary role is as the business manager and interior architectural designer. 

With an accredited degree in Interior Design and an MBA with a specialization in Marketing, Rachel is proud of her credentials and is always looking to self-improve. Most recently, she became a Certified Living in Place Professional and uses this certification to make homes safe and comfortable for all occupants.

As an advocate for environmental protection, sustainable design guides her design principles and informs many decisions, from health benefits, environmental benefits, and a general respect and admiration for the natural environment.

Rachel began her career in residential work with a focus on kitchen design. She then moved on to dabble in commercial design, participating in the design of educational facilities, restaurants, gyms, and tenant improvements. There are areas of each that she loves, and enjoys blurring the lines between them, working to provide the quality and endurance of commercial design and the comfort and ease of residential design.

Rachel is incredibly decisive and enjoys consistency, but she breaks this rule when it comes to her appearance. She loves to play with hair color and makeup, so be prepared for a spontaneous new look from time to time. 

When she’s not dancing at her desk about her thrilling design ideas, Rachel can be found baking with her boys and trying out new vegan recipes.

Rachel’s work prior to Waldron Designs:

Sherwood Elementary and Middle School with Dull Olson Weekes Architects (dissolved):

Portland Golf Club Locker Rooms with Dull Olson Weekes Architects (dissolved):

Seattle Sperm Bank with Weaver Architects:

Piroshki on 3rd with Weaver Architects: