Rachel Waldron Rachel Waldron

Budgeting Your Design Project

We do not take on projects without an established budget. But, how can one develop a budget without understanding the costs? Well, for starters, whether it is known or not, the budget exists. There is a number that is definitely too high, and there are expectations that would deem a low budget too low.

There are two crucial factors that should be considered before even scheduling that initial consultation. Time and Money. They absolutely do matter in planning a design project. Read on to find out how to develop your budget.

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Biophilic Design

The term “biophilic design” may be somewhat new, but the idea of creating healthier spaces with nature’s influence is far from new. But, what is biophilic design? We’ve heard people describe it as “bringing any element of nature into a space”, which is pretty surprising that this would be seen as some new breakthrough idea. 

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