Sustainable Design-Build
Photo by Alex Green from Pexels
When we interview potential staff, we tell them about the importance of sustainable design and construction. Not only is it good for the environment, but it is also healthy for our staff (who we love and want to live long lives) and for the occupants! Check out the conversation we had in a recent interview:
WD: “We do not often work with factory-made cabinets because we are unable to control the quality and sustainable materials. Often, cabinets have unknown “ingredients” such as formaldehyde and are made with products that were not responsibly harvested. We also do not work with vinyl floors. No matter how often they are toted as “green”, this is an example of greenwashing, because no plastic products are “green”.”
Interviewee: “That’s really good information. But, if a client really wants those products, you let them have it, right?”
WD: "Actually, we inform our clients during the interview process that we are a sustainable design firm. If they are looking for unhealthy products that will damage the environment, we are not a good match. By the time we get to product selections, they know what they’ve jumped into and are thrilled that we have that covered.”
We are specialists in providing safe, healthy, and sustainable homes. It would be contradictory to our message to do anything otherwise.
It would be a bit like going to Island Queen and asking for Thai food. While I’m sure our dear friend Jen would love to oblige, her kitchen just isn’t equipped for those ingredients, and we all know that great Thai food is just across the street at May, right?
But what about those other finishes and fixtures we advise strongly against? The sustainable tile that looks like wood?
We are a Design Firm, first and foremost
It is our job to be selective on your behalf. It is our job to provide a design that will stand the test of time, in both quality and appearance. Beyond sustainability, it is our firm belief that products that imitate other products will date and will not reflect high-quality design. Honesty and integrity in materials reflect high-quality design. And, this is after all, why you hired us, right?